Individual Therapy
Individual therapy centers around you: your goals, the obstacles affecting your happiness, your needs and hopes.
We often begin therapeutic process with focus on awareness. During this phase of therapy you can expect to talk about feelings, become aware of thought and behavioral patterns, identify family of origin dynamics, and articulate exactly how your specific patterns are having a negative impact on your life, relationships, and your ability to feel fulfilled. Chances are, you've already tried to find solutions to your problems. Maybe you'd found short-term fixes or answers to some of your questions, but then the problem returned or worsened. You find yourself lacking fulfillment again. In therapy we examine your past coping behaviors, determine what works and what doesn't, and develop new skills and coping strategies that lead to a happier, fulfilled life. Finally, we look for the untapped resources within you that will allow for freedom from the negative forces holding you back. This is the exciting part! Change starts to happen. You will notice you think differently, you react to others with more assertiveness rather than aggression or passivity, your communication is clearer, and life is starting to go your way! Would you like to get Feel Better tips delivered straight to your inbox?
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Downtown Darien, 1051 Boston Post Road Suite 1, Darien, CT 06820
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